MCCL provides quality service , based on customer focus policy and towards cargo handling, capitalizing the experience in efficient performance considering its basic characteristics:
Respect the commitments and obligations to the customers , performing the shipments on the planned shipping/delivery dates.
A 24hrs/7days personal contact is maintained with our customers, agents etc. to solve ad hoc any inconvenience without causing any consequences.
Owning the ideal and flexible size of tonnage, we are always able to approach peculiar ports, even with small quantities of cargoes; we are always- freight wise-more than competitive..
Customers’ damage prevention and quality standards are incorporated in the company’s cargo quality manual and are constantly updated in order to maintain customers’ satisfaction and continuously improve our services. Cargo handling as well as lashing/unlashing on board our vessels, is performed by personnel duly trained on the demands of each customer.
Maintenance of our fleet is being efficiently implemented, by strictly following the standards set by the hull and machinery manufacturers.
Sailing service is performed on a Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly basis ex various Mediterranean and Black Sea ports such as Piraeus, Koper and currently to Far East and Afrika. Custom made solutions are always on the table according to customers requests.