

Sustainable development in MCCL is implemented through the interconnected main pillars/principals of the company such as environmental awareness, social reliability, integrity and ethics, economic transparency and quality excellence.
MCCL is going beyond rules and regulations, implementing on a voluntary basis Management Systems, working proactively to strengthen its market position and increase customers’ as well as employees’ loyalty.
MCCL works with CSR creates ‘brand capital’ which helps the company sustain its reputation in time of crisis or accidents etc.
MCCL is a socially responsible shipping company working actively to integrate economic, social and environmental concerns within the running business operations and also to maintain Company’s target to manage sustainability by finding a sound balance between the need for operational efficiency and profit for the society.
MCCL perceives CSR as a fundamental factor that contributes to social and environmental risks prevention, as well as the prevention of risks related to human resources management and the company’s presence in the market, contributing to the development of trust, in which the company can carry out business and innovate.

Corporate Social Responsibility

MCCL, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a complex practice which is expressed through its continuous commitment to attaining Sustainable Development.
MCCL CSR policy mainly derives from its business mission and is closely related to the minimization of its environmental impacts, the increase in its social effect and contribution

Code of Conduct &
Business Ethics

MCCL Business ethics & Conduct Code sets out the general principles which define the responsible business conduct and the ethical rules that all the employees throughout its operations as well as its business partners such as contractors and suppliers are expected to adhere to. Moreover, includes and supports Policies that are extracted from valid Human…

Human rights &
working conditions

  • Child labour and Young Workers, Modern slavery (i.e. slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking are forbidden
  • Wages and benefits, Regulated Working hours are respected and employees’ rights to join Labor unions, as demanded by the International labor laws are protected , by strictly implementing…

Health & Safety

It is the Company’s policy to promote safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life and avoidance of damage to the Environment, and to property. The Company’s objectives regarding Health & Safety Management are…

Quality Management

MCCL mission and continuous efforts over the years, has always been to fulfill the customers’ needs, on time, without delays in the delivery of cargo, free of any damage, whilst great efforts were made to eliminate any weaknesses and continuously self-improve.

Environmental Management

MCCL acknowledging its responsibility towards the environment, is committed to implement efficient practices that will promote environmental sustainability. Environmental Management Policy contains the high level,the long-term goals and aspirations, such as zero incidents, zero pollution, zero spills to sea, etc

Supplier’s CSR Policy Agreement

MCCL CSR policy mainly derives from its business mission and is closely related to the minimization of its environmental impacts, the increase in its social effect and contribution, as well as the enhancement of the prevention/precaution principle within the context of its activities.